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MANTAP adu kerbau Tana Toraja Terbanyak

Lakon Ritual Aluk Todolo dalam menunaikan aturan keagamaan yang berwujud pada pemujaan terhadap Puang Matua, Deata maupun To Mambali Puang, banyak dimanifestasikan dalam bentuk seni tradisional seperti seni tari, seni suara, seni musik, seni sastra tutur, seni ukir dan seni pahat.
Kesenian yang diapresiasikan senantiasa berkaitan dengan Aluk Rambu Tuka' dan Aluk Rambu Solo'. Pada umumnya jenis-jenis kesenian yang dipentaskan secara khusus untuk masing-masing kegiatan ritual adat, baik Rambu Tuka' maupun Rambu Solo'. Namun ada juga jenis kesenian yang dipentaskan pada kedua jenis ritual. Jenis kesenian tersebut disebut Ada' Basse Bubung, yaitu kesenian yang boleh dipentaskan pada upacara kegembiraan Aluk Rampe Matallo maupun pada acara kedukaan Aluk Rampe Matampu'.
Hampir semua ragam seni yang dipentaskan merupakan perpaduan beberapa ragam seni, seperti perpaduan antara seni suara dengan seni tari, seni tari dengan seni musik, atau seni suara dengan seni musik.
Jenis kesenian yang telah dikembangkan dalam budaya masyarakat Tana Toraja antara lain : Tarian Ma'gellu awalnya dikembangkan di Distrik Pangalla' kurang lebih 45 km ke arah Timur dari kota Rantepao dan biasanya dipentaskan pada upacara khusus yang disebut Ma'Bua', yang berkaitan dengan upacara pentasbihan Rumah adat Toraja/Tongkonan, atau keluarga penghuni tersebut telah melaksanakan upacara Rambu Solo' yang sangat besar (Rapasaan Sapu Randanan).
Saat ini tarian Ma'gellu' sering juga dipertunjukkan pada upacara kegembiraan seperti pesta perkawinan, syukuran panen, dan acara penerimaan tamu terhormat. Tarian ini dilakukan oleh remaja putri dengan jumlah ganjil dan diiringi irama gendang yang ditabuh oleh remaja putra yang berjumlah empat orang. Busana serta aksesoris yang digunakan adalah khusus untuk penari dengan perhiasan yang terbuat dari emas danperak seperti Keris Emas/Sarapang Bulawan, Kandaure, Sa'pi' Ulu', Tali Tarrung, Bulu Bawan, Rara', Mastura, Manikkata, Oran-oran, Lola' Pali' Gaapong, Komba Boko' dan lain-lainnya.
Tarian Boneballa'/Ondo Samalele' sama seperti tarian Ma'gellu' tarian ini juga termasuk jenis tari kegembiraan yang biasanya dipentaskan dalam upacara syukuran kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Kuasa, rasa syukur atas keberhasilan/ kesuksesan keluarga besar dalam menyelesaikan pembangunan kembali (rehabilitasi atau restorasi) tongkonannya. Upacara ini biasanya disebut Merok, biasa juga dikaitkan dengan selesainya suatu keluarga menyelenggarakan upacara Rambu Solo' yang besar mangrapai'/sapu randanan. Bone Balla' ditarikan oleh kaum wanita dan remaja putri yang adalah keluarga yang berasal dari tongkonan itu. Tarian ini diiringi dengan tabuhan gendang yang iramanya dikenal dengan sebutan Oni Tumburaka dan Oni Tuntunpitu. Tarian Boneballa' juga selalu diiringi dengan lirik lagu yang disebut Passengo/syair-syair pemujaan kepada Tuhan. Pakaian dari penari juga khusus dan memakai perhiasan yang sama dengan tari Ma'gellu' namun lebih dilengkapi lagi dengan hiasan : Sissin Ake', Tida-tida, Dodo Tannung Pamiring, Bayu Paruki' dan Passapu. Tari Boneballa' ditutup dengan tari massal yang diikuti dengan puluhan keluarga.
Tarian Pa' Gellu'
Gellu' Pangala' adalah salah satu tarian tradisional dari Tana Toraja yang dipentaskan pada acara pesta "Rambu Tuka" juga tarian ini ditampilkan untuk menyambut para patriot atau pahlawan yang kembali dari medan perang dengan membawa kemenangan. Tetapi tarian ini tabu atau pamali dipentaskan pada acara "Rambu Solo".


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Toraja Sacrifice Preparations

Rambu Solo(Rites of The Dead of Tana Toraja)
In Toraja society, the funeral ritual is the most elaborate and expensive event. The richer and more powerful the individual, the more expensive is the funeral. In the Aluk religion, only nobles have the right to have an extensive death feast. The death feast of a nobleman is usually attended by thousands and lasts for several days. A ceremonial site called Rante is usually prepared in a large grassy field where shelters for audiences are built. Flute music, funeral chants, songs and poems, and crying and wailing are traditional Toraja expressions of grief with the exceptions of funerals for young children and poor low-status adults.

The ceremony is often held weeks, months, or years after the death so that the deceased's family can raise the significant funds needed to cover funeral expenses. Torajans traditionally believe that death is not a sudden, abrupt event but a gradual process toward Puya (the land of souls, or afterlife). It is based on a strong belief that the soul of the deceased travels to the land of the south and in this land of eternity, he will need all the requisites of everyday life in the hereafter just like when he was alive in this world.
During the waiting period, the body of the deceased is wrapped in several layers of cloth and kept inTongkonan. The soul of the deceased is thought to linger around the village until the funeral ceremony is completed, after which it begins its journey to Puya.In Toraja a person is not considered dead until this last ceremony and the soul is released to the heavens. It is this celebration that is so absorbing.

Another component of the ritual is the slaughter of water buffalo. The more powerful the person who died, the more buffalo are slaughtered at the death feast. Buffalo carcasses, including their heads, are usually lined up on a field waiting for their owner, who is in the "sleeping stage". Torajans believe that the deceased will need the buffalo to make the journey and that they will be quicker to arrive at Puya if they have many buffalo. Slaughtering tens of water buffalo and hundred of pigs using a machete is the climax of the elaborate death feast, with dancing and music and young boys who catch spurting blood in long bamboo tubes. Some of the slaughtered animals are given by guests as "gifts" which are carefully noted because they will be considered debts of the deceased's family.Animal sacrifices are made to ensure eternal life in the afterlife and to safeguard the descendants.

A funeral is a festive event for every member of the society. When the funeral is held by noble families then the ceremony will usually involve great fanfare. Buffaloes and pigs are sacrificed as an indication of status and as repayment for gifts received.

The Torajans believe that aristocrats must be buried between heaven and earth - hence their spectacular grave sites. High up in the limestone cliffs are set tombs, carved out of solid rock, and guarded by human effigies called Tau tau watching sightlessly over the rice fields.

The coffin may be laid in a cave or in a carved stone grave, or hung on a cliff. It contains any possessions that the deceased will need in the afterlife. The wealthy are often buried in a stone grave carved out of a rocky cliff. The grave is usually expensive and takes a few months to complete. In some areas, a stone cave may be found that is large enough to accommodate a whole family. The coffin of a baby or child may be hung from ropes on a cliff face or from a tree. This hanging grave usually lasts for years, until the ropes rot and the coffin falls to the ground.

While funeral ceremonies occur all year round, the best time to see them is in the drier months of August and September. Some of the big ceremonies are so large that over 100 buffaloes are killed. Although it may seem to visitors an abundance of buffaloes are sacrificed, few Torajans eat meat every day, and festivals are one of the rare chances to enjoy the opportunity.

Rambu Solo

It is interesting to reflect on the significance of funerals in this traditional society. In many ways, perhaps in most ways, people of traditional society seem closer to te processes of life and death than those of their modern relatives. Thus, while they treat birth with unrestrained joy, they are not afraid to face death, either. In the world view of Torajans, death is not regarded as the opposite of life. Rather, birth and death are regarded as major mile stones within a person's life. Amongst the people of Tana Toraja, this world view forms the basis of the Alluk Todolo tradition. It is this tradition which is the inspiration for the long, joyful funeral celebrations characteristic of these people.

A funeral here is not an occasion for sorrow. Rather, it is a celebration in which the entire family of the deceased, and all the members of his village, take part. specifically, a funeral reinforces the eternal bond between the living and the dead of a single family. In the society of Tana Toraja, it is the funeral, not the wedding, which marks a family's status. In Tana Toraja, the funeral ceremony is known as Rambu Soloq. The most important part of this ceremony involves the sacrifice of buffalo. These animals die in order to accompanying the spirit of their master on his journey to the land of the dead. Before being sacrificed according to a strictly defined procedure, in which the neck of the ox is cut with a sharp blade and the animal allowed to bleed to death, the animals take part in trials of strength known as tedong silaga. This procedure is known as tinggoro.

While the sacrifice of the other buffalo is also acceptable, traditional Torajan belief states that offerings of albino buffalo with a certain type of spotted skin (tedong bonga) are preferable. Buffalo with these characteristic markings on their hide are rare, constituting a mere eight percent of the total population. Therefore, it is not surprising that these animals can command a price between 15-30 million rupiah, depending on the perceived beauty of the animal. Attempts to breed these animals have met with very limited success. Even if both parents have the desired markings, there is no guarantee that the offspring will be similarly blessed. An attempt in Bandung, West Java, to breed buffalo that consistently give birth to these animals failed completely.

The rarity of the animals is compounded by the increasing number of rich Torajans, all of whom desire prestigious funerals involving these animals. It is by no means uncommon for more than 300 animals-a good many of them are spotted albino buffalo-to be sacrificed in a single ceremony. Considering that the ceremony of a wealthy or high-status person often lasts as long as eight days and involves more than 15,000 people, all of whom have to be fed, this number is hardly surprising.The funeral is used by the people of Toraja to establish the status of the deceased. In the Torajan belief system, people lead their lives in preparation for their death.
During their lives, people work hard to accumulate wealth. When they die, they take this wealth with them beyond their grave.All members of the deceased family are expected to contribute to the costs of the expensive ceremonies. Many people go deeply into debt in order to hold a funeral ceremony. It is not uncommon for a young man, afraid of being burdened by debt, to postpone or cancel his marriage if the grandmother or grandfather of the girl he loves is old enough to die soon.

Rantepao, Tana Toraja,Buffalo Slaughtering

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